The Verso Taxi platform provides automatic validation of application information and automated processes ensure application data is accurate, whilst providing applicants with their own user-dashboard, that provides concise information on the status of their application, required actions and notifications.
The versoTM platform customer dashboard allows for application/requests for service 24/7. The dashboard can be used by the applicant to track application progress, as well as to upload required documents in support of their application, view correspondence (email/SMS)/download documents or leaflets from the Licensing Team & communicate with Licensing (two-way).
The account holder can also maintain their profile contact details and advise of any change of circumstances. The account holder can fill in the common data fields, named individuals and assign a reference to the record. This allows the applicant to select the saved data reference to auto populate the relevant fields with the application form, saving the applicant considerable time in completing the application form and reducing the margin for error.
The versoTM platform includse the following online application processes:
- Taxi Driver (New/Renewal)
- Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Vehicle (New/Renewal)
- Omnibus Vehicle (New/Renewal)
- Private Hire Operator (New/Renewal)
- Complaints