Peterborough City Council choose Verso for Taxi, Premise Licensing and Fleet Management

After an unfortunate failed implementation of a notable competitor's cloud solution, Peterborough City Council has selected Rocktime’s purpose built Licensing Platform Verso to deliver Taxi and Licensing Act 2003 licensing and Fleet Management. Evaluation of Verso and the impressive swift delivery at Babergh Mid Suffolk Council and Sefton Council gave the council the confidence to commit to a larger transition which will help to support their progressive ambitions for streamiling processes and increasing efficiencies offering tangile bottom line savings. The Verso SaaS platform offers:   

  • A more user friendly interface requiring less time completing by applicants 
  • Automate reminders for documents and licenses freeing up council offices time
  • Workflow improvements that are designed to reduce workload and minimise time taken by council officers to process and issue licenses
  • Reduction in administration for vehicle applications (that do not get issued with a licence), by providing an online vehicle check allowing drivers to see if their vehicle can be licensed by querying DVLA data
  • Error free vehicle applications through automatic population of vehicle details
  • Vehicle Taxi Compliance booking and automatic alerts for 6 monthly tests
  • Automatic Flaging of vehicles sited with defects
Why choose verso™ for licensing? 
verso™ software is designed to automate the licensing application process either as a stand-alone or integrated solution.

Key features include:

Streamlined processes based on considered workflows 
Operational cost savings 
Removed reliance on internal IT support 
Minimal user testing based on being off the shelf 
Enhanced citizen user experience 
Reduced administration 
Greater flexibility to access across different devices 

Contact us today or sign up for a free no obligation online demonstration to discover how verso can offer you increased efficiency by transforming all your licensing processes.

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